Monday, March 26, 2007


I am inspired to write...although it seems like I have had little to say over the past few months as I have adjusted to life with two beautiful daughters...well, I have a lot to say about Dora the Explorer, Diego, gripe water and a variety of baby issues. Now that the weather is turning, and I received an added bonus by way of motivational speeches from the Jens, I am going to write! And I have a secret to tell...I think it is because I have been out of work since January 22 and my mind has been completely taken over by an alien BUT I am totally addicted to the Anna Nicole Smith brouhaha. I am actually so pleased that of all times for her to pass away, it was during the time that I could watch COURT TV 24-7. As if this isn't shameful enough I have an even better revelation--I have a thing for Howard K. Stern. Thank God no one even knows my blog exists or else I might start to get hate mail like I did when I was the cell phone lady!

1 comment:

All Things Jennifer said...

Maybe I shouldn't have encouraged you to come out and play...Howard Stern? (Says she who is in love with Tucker Carlson)

Gripe water? Work or not work?

Write write write! It was good to see you yesterday :)